Monday, August 24, 2015

Moving Mountains

Hey Family!!

Time is flying by, way too quickly!! Everyone here starts school today, its crazy that summer is over already! I feel like it just started! As far as the weather goes though it FEELS like it just started. Its been hotter 'n Hades here! You walk outside and you basically just melt. It's funny, every time we knock on someone's door their first comment is "wow, you girls are really sweaty!". What? Is that what this strange liquid is that is literally drenching every inch of my body? Thank you for letting me know! :) Sometimes they don't even say anything, they just go grab a handful of paper towels for us.

Yesterday, we were tracting and we knocked on this cute little house and this cute little mom answered and we offered a prayer and she let us come right in! She has a new little baby. And her husband even paused his video game so that we could all pray. They are looking for a church! And said we could come back next weekend to share more with them... Then as we were walking back past their house to head home we saw a cop out front looking for them.... I don't think they are going to be able to make it to our appointment on Saturday... :p

I don't really know why they were looking for them, but hopefully is was just because they lost their dog or something. Would a cop show up for that?... For sanity's sake, let's just pretend he would!

This week we also had zone conference! It was amazing! I learned so much. President shared a story about a man who God came to and gave him a task. The task was to push as hard as he could against this very large boulder near his home. He was to do this all day, every day. So this faithful man did! He went out every day and pushed and pushed as hard as he could. At the end of the day he would come home absolutely exhausted. He was hot, tired, sweaty, and his muscles were fatigued. But he would get up the next morning and do it all over again.

Then the adversary came a long and pointed out the fact that this man was pushing as hard as he could every day and wearing himself out, but the boulder hadn't even budged. He convinced this man that he was a failure, and that he was just wasting him time even trying.

Utterly discouraged, this man went back to God and asked him why he had given him such and impossible task. He admitted that he felt like a failure and didn't want to do it anymore. But God responded and told him that his task was never to move the rock, his task was only to push against it with all his strength, everyday! He pointed out to him how strong this man had gotten, how healthy and fit he was from pushing every day, how much change had taken place in his life.

Sometimes our task is a lot like this man's. We simply have to push with all our strength. Sometimes we expect the rock to move and we feel like failures or we get discouraged and give up. But if we just keep going, we will be able to look back and see how much we have grown. We come to understand that God's intention was never to move that rock, the rock doesn't matter, but we do!! His intention was to help us grow, to strengthen us, to make us into more than we ever imagined we could be.

In those moments where we feel discouraged because the rock isn't moving, we have to remember that if we have the faith of a mustard seed, mountains WILL move. But it is God that moves those mountains, not us.

I am so grateful for my mission. Sometimes I feel like I'm just pushing pointlessly. We knock hundreds of doors and no one is interested. We teach people who seem so ready, then out of nowhere they stop meeting with us. We do everything we can to be obedient and do what is asked of us, yet nothing happens.

But looking back I can see that something was happening, in me. I was being strengthened, and molded, and changed. Because I am important to my heavenly father, he loves me and he knows what is best for me. I remember days when I would put on my sunglasses to hide the tears and I would pray, sometimes out loud, and ask Heavenly Father why these sad things were happening, why we weren't seeing success. His only answer was to just hang in there, keep going, keep pedaling, keep pushing on that rock. And now I understand.

Yesterday in church, during the sacrament, I was pondering on the words "take His name upon them." And how when we are baptized we promise to take upon ourselves Christ's name. I was taken back to a distant memory back in the MTC where I learned what that sentence means. I was in the MTC and listening to the sacrament prayer and I looked down and I saw my nametag. I saw my name, Sister Rowland, right above the name Jesus Christ. I had literally taken His name upon me. I had promised to represent Him in a very real way for a year and a half. To love like He loves. To serve like He serves. To preach His gospel.

I'm so grateful for a little black nametag that changed my life forever.

See you soon!
Love always, Sister Rowland

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